Pet Peeves Club Logo

Thanks for visiting the Pet Peeves Club

Trying to get you from 😡 to 😂.

Below are some submission from Club Members:

1. What is your pet peeve?
People who are judgy
2. How do you react when it happens?
So annoyed.
3. How often does it happen?
All the time. Especially on the internet
4. Assuming positive intent, why do you think it happens?
Because people are insecure
5. Will assuming positive intent help you cope the next time it happens?
1. What is your pet peeve?
2. How do you react when it happens?
3. How often does it happen?
Flambantian en como
4. Assuming positive intent, why do you think it happens?
Furtier man seenco
5. Will assuming positive intent help you cope the next time it happens?
1. What is your pet peeve?
People that keep speaking to you as they walk away and expect you to hear what they said.
2. How do you react when it happens?
I start mumbling under my breath, mocking what they are doing.
3. How often does it happen?
Three to four times a week
4. Assuming positive intent, why do you think it happens?
People are in a rush so they feel that they don’t have time time to properly finish what they were saying
5. Will assuming positive intent help you cope the next time it happens?
1. What is your pet peeve?
People who are late
2. How do you react when it happens?
I get mad
3. How often does it happen?
4. Assuming positive intent, why do you think it happens?
They lose track of time
5. Will assuming positive intent help you cope the next time it happens?
1. What is your pet peeve?
Crap friends
2. How do you react when it happens?
Feel very hurt and alone
3. How often does it happen?
4. Assuming positive intent, why do you think it happens?
People are only human
5. Will assuming positive intent help you cope the next time it happens?
1. What is your pet peeve?
When people whisper in public…
2. How do you react when it happens?
My skin crawls and I give them dirty looks
3. How often does it happen?
Too often.
4. Assuming positive intent, why do you think it happens?
People don’t understand that the sound of whispering is far more distracting then if they just had the conversation
5. Will assuming positive intent help you cope the next time it happens?
Let us pray
1. What is your pet peeve?
2. How do you react when it happens?
3. How often does it happen?
4. Assuming positive intent, why do you think it happens?
5. Will assuming positive intent help you cope the next time it happens?
1. What is your pet peeve?
People who eat is my living room at my house .
2. How do you react when it happens?
I get annoyed and impatient. I start thinking they are dirty people and cheap .
3. How often does it happen?
A lot
4. Assuming positive intent, why do you think it happens?
5. Will assuming positive intent help you cope the next time it happens?
I will call out the issue if I catch a guest eating in my living room
1. What is your pet peeve?
Scammy ”non-profits” who use AI art and call people names
2. How do you react when it happens?
wish that they could all be executed
3. How often does it happen?
however often you post
4. Assuming positive intent, why do you think it happens?
there is no positive intent, there cannot be when using AI art as the face of a brand. there is no possible positive intent of calling someone a dumbass for expressing an opinion
5. Will assuming positive intent help you cope the next time it happens?
I will assume positive intent, when possible. in the case of using ai art and unjustly swearing at and calling people names there is no possible way for it to be positive.
1. What is your pet peeve?
Karens… They’re everywhere 😳😳😳
2. How do you react when it happens?
My brain cells begin to die.
3. How often does it happen?
Every-Time I hear a Karen.😱
4. Assuming positive intent, why do you think it happens?
I blame their mom for failing to swallow 9 months before birth.🤔
5. Will assuming positive intent help you cope the next time it happens?
One can’t avoid them…
1. What is your pet peeve?
People who say shakra instead of CHAKRA!
2. How do you react when it happens?
I cringe inside.
3. How often does it happen?
Almost every day.
4. Assuming positive intent, why do you think it happens?
Lack of understanding Sanskrit pronunciation.
5. Will assuming positive intent help you cope the next time it happens?
No. Yogis are paying too much for classes to get it wrong.
1. What is your pet peeve?
When the mailman bends my magazines.
2. How do you react when it happens?
Get mad
3. How often does it happen?
4. Assuming positive intent, why do you think it happens?
My mailbox is too small
5. Will assuming positive intent help you cope the next time it happens?
Yes, just put something heavy on it.
1. What is your pet peeve?
2. How do you react when it happens?
I try to say something to encourage them to open their minds to recognize there is room for everyone in this world, except murderers etc.
3. How often does it happen?
Not often but once is too much
4. Assuming positive intent, why do you think it happens?
They have learned it fro
5. Will assuming positive intent help you cope the next time it happens?
Will try to remind them we are all in this life together
1. What is your pet peeve?
ugly ass toes sticking out of open toe shoes.
2. How do you react when it happens?
gag, barf, vomit. in that order.
3. How often does it happen?
it’s my wife, so every day.
4. Assuming positive intent, why do you think it happens?
because she doesn’t care about how she looks.
5. Will assuming positive intent help you cope the next time it happens?
if you’re suggesting that it’s time for an upgrade? then hell yes!
1. What is your pet peeve?
Drivers who don't signal.
2. How do you react when it happens?
3. How often does it happen?
4. Assuming positive intent, why do you think it happens?
They trust the other drivers on the road.
5. Will assuming positive intent help you cope the next time it happens?
1. What is your pet peeve?
2. How do you react when it happens?
I just cringe
3. How often does it happen?
Whenever I read or hear negative comments about the LGBTQ Community
4. Assuming positive intent, why do you think it happens?
Some people just don't understand that there is room for all people except killers and evil people.
5. Will assuming positive intent help you cope the next time it happens?
1. What is your pet peeve?
People not using indicators when they drive or blinkers if you’re american…
2. How do you react when it happens?
I breath through it as best i can after swerving out the way as i cannot telepathically know where they are headed
3. How often does it happen?
4. Assuming positive intent, why do you think it happens?
Because majority of drivers are stupid and inconsiderate, the minority are wonderful human beings
5. Will assuming positive intent help you cope the next time it happens?
1. What is your pet peeve?
When people don’t wave when you let them in when in traffic
2. How do you react when it happens?
Lose my mind, now I speed up and never let anyone in
3. How often does it happen?
Few times a week
4. Assuming positive intent, why do you think it happens?
People are jerks
5. Will assuming positive intent help you cope the next time it happens?
Not sure
1. What is your pet peeve?
People constantly lying.
2. How do you react when it happens?
I roll my eyes.
3. How often does it happen?
4. Assuming positive intent, why do you think it happens?
People want to create their own reality.
5. Will assuming positive intent help you cope the next time it happens?
1. What is your pet peeve?
Don’t replace the toilet paper in the bathroom when it’s out.
2. How do you react when it happens?
Change the paper and grumble.
3. How often does it happen?
At least once every 2 months perhaps.
4. Assuming positive intent, why do you think it happens?
Because they don’t know how. lol
5. Will assuming positive intent help you cope the next time it happens?
1. What is your pet peeve?
PET peeves…
2. How do you react when it happens?
3. How often does it happen?
All day
4. Assuming positive intent, why do you think it happens?
5. Will assuming positive intent help you cope the next time it happens?
1. What is your pet peeve?
People that move their lips when reading silently.
2. How do you react when it happens?
Glare at them in disgust.
3. How often does it happen?
Every once in a while on the bus to work.
4. Assuming positive intent, why do you think it happens?
They're sounding words out?!
5. Will assuming positive intent help you cope the next time it happens?
1. What is your pet peeve?
I have several
2. How do you react when it happens?
Circumvent, or just vent.
3. How often does it happen?
Now and then
4. Assuming positive intent, why do you think it happens?
Usually because you are a victim of marketing shenanigans.
5. Will assuming positive intent help you cope the next time it happens?
Laughing it into oblivion sounds good.
1. What is your pet peeve?
People asking for money
2. How do you react when it happens?
3. How often does it happen?
Couple times a week
4. Assuming positive intent, why do you think it happens?
People are in bad situations where they could really use the money, and I would not want them to feel afraid to ask. However, sometimes they are overly aggressive and bold when I also have no money
5. Will assuming positive intent help you cope the next time it happens?
1. What is your pet peeve?
slow walkers especially when in large groups
2. How do you react when it happens?
it makes me angry and i walk around them aggressively
3. How often does it happen?
every day on this campus.
4. Assuming positive intent, why do you think it happens?
they have a disability
5. Will assuming positive intent help you cope the next time it happens?
probably not, but maybe
1. What is your pet peeve?
Slow walkers
2. How do you react when it happens?
I speed around them or roll my eyes cause like COME ON especially if they block they f*cking path with other slow walker
3. How often does it happen?
So often
4. Assuming positive intent, why do you think it happens?
It happens because people are spaced out
5. Will assuming positive intent help you cope the next time it happens?
1. What is your pet peeve?
When people don’t move to the side when ambulance sirens are going off
2. How do you react when it happens?
3. How often does it happen?
Every time
4. Assuming positive intent, why do you think it happens?
People are so unaware of their surroundings
5. Will assuming positive intent help you cope the next time it happens?
Not sure
1. What is your pet peeve?
People who don’t take responsibility and deflect blame.
2. How do you react when it happens?
Frustrated. I’m voicing a concern to you so why is the conversation suddenly becoming about how you’re hurt and I’m somehow the one comforting you now…
3. How often does it happen?
Far too often, far too often.
4. Assuming positive intent, why do you think it happens?
Because people can’t handle the shame of being called out on their bad behavior so rather than owning it, they’d rather remove the blame from them, refuse to take accountability, and call the other person out on things that are irrelevant from the original topic of concern.
5. Will assuming positive intent help you cope the next time it happens?
I wish it did but the other person has to be willing to make changes to be more receptive in taking responsibility if they’ve hurt someone, even if it was unintentional.
1. What is your pet peeve?
2. How do you react when it happens?
3. How often does it happen?
every minute
4. Assuming positive intent, why do you think it happens?
god does not like me
5. Will assuming positive intent help you cope the next time it happens?
i just want it to stop
1. What is your pet peeve?
When you order pizza and then the day after the box is just sitting there, taking up the most space in the kitchen, and you can't even recycle it.
2. How do you react when it happens?
I get super frustrated. I break down the cardboard but then there's crumbs everywhere. Drives me nuts.
3. How often does it happen?
We order pizza typically once a week.
4. Assuming positive intent, why do you think it happens?
I mean, pizza is one of those things you can't live without. It's the price you pay for convenience and sustenance.
5. Will assuming positive intent help you cope the next time it happens?
I have to remind myself that I wasn't always in a place where the luxury of ordering pizza once a week was available to me. So, yes.
1. What is your pet peeve?
People not picking up their feet when they walk
2. How do you react when it happens?
I get annoyed
3. How often does it happen?
All the time
4. Assuming positive intent, why do you think it happens?
Some people might not be able to help it
5. Will assuming positive intent help you cope the next time it happens?
Yeah kind of
1. What is your pet peeve?
Bad Grammar
2. How do you react when it happens?
I want to offer correction.
3. How often does it happen?
Alllll theeee timeeeee
4. Assuming positive intent, why do you think it happens?
I want people to be correct.
5. Will assuming positive intent help you cope the next time it happens?
1. What is your pet peeve?
I work in retail. I notice a certain demographic is very self entitled and expects to make messes and just leave it to be cleaned..squeeze in a tight space instead of going around...expect to be noticed and addressed just for appearing and standing there.
2. How do you react when it happens?
Total brick wall ignore their presence and go on with what I'm doing
3. How often does it happen?
4. Assuming positive intent, why do you think it happens?
5. Will assuming positive intent help you cope the next time it happens? is still is annoying
1. What is your pet peeve?
2. How do you react when it happens?
I’m annoyed. My mom smoked a lot. We broke the habit until the pandemic started three years later.
3. How often does it happen?
A lot.
4. Assuming positive intent, why do you think it happens?
People get antsy and need a way to cool off.
5. Will assuming positive intent help you cope the next time it happens?
God, no! Those things will kill you!
1. What is your pet peeve?
I’m pregnant so when my dad tells me I’m eating too much
2. How do you react when it happens?
I told him that I have a reason to
3. How often does it happen?
Every damn day
4. Assuming positive intent, why do you think it happens?
Well, he’s my dad. He likes to make jokes, so I think he’s joking, but I don’t find it Funny
5. Will assuming positive intent help you cope the next time it happens?
Yeah I hope so
1. What is your pet peeve?
When my boyfriend shoves food into his mouth, like he’s never eaten and doesn’t even swallow the first mouthful
2. How do you react when it happens?
Reassure him that it’s OK to swallow your food, and that nobody’s going to take it from him
3. How often does it happen?
Every time we’re eating finger foods, or anything that involves rice
4. Assuming positive intent, why do you think it happens?
Personally I just think he has no home training at all😂
5. Will assuming positive intent help you cope the next time it happens?
to be honest, I have no idea
1. What is your pet peeve?
When people just STAND in the escalator! Just think think how much FASTER you could get to your destination if you took a few steps..
2. How do you react when it happens?
Stand DIRECTLY behind step below
3. How often does it happen?
Every G.D day
4. Assuming positive intent, why do you think it happens?
5. Will assuming positive intent help you cope the next time it happens?
I'll try
1. What is your pet peeve?
2. How do you react when it happens?
I grind my teeth or scream obscenities
3. How often does it happen?
More often than not
4. Assuming positive intent, why do you think it happens?
Because my life sucks
5. Will assuming positive intent help you cope the next time it happens?
1. What is your pet peeve?
The Philadelphia Parking Authority
2. How do you react when it happens?
I curse the city of Philadelphia’s corrupt, money-making systems.
3. How often does it happen?
The PPA tickets me easily once every three months. I was booted, for the first time since moving here (in 2020),today
4. Assuming positive intent, why do you think it happens?
People need jobs and the PPA is always hiring. They have quotas to meet and get praise for ticketing, so it makes sense that they’d go as far as to come into my block in the near-suburbs and give me a violation.
5. Will assuming positive intent help you cope the next time it happens?
No, it just makes me want to destroy them even more.
1. What is your pet peeve?
Mean people
2. How do you react when it happens?
Give them the look
3. How often does it happen?
4. Assuming positive intent, why do you think it happens?
Who knows
5. Will assuming positive intent help you cope the next time it happens?
1. What is your pet peeve?
2. How do you react when it happens?
3. How often does it happen?
4. Assuming positive intent, why do you think it happens?
Because pickles are horrible
5. Will assuming positive intent help you cope the next time it happens?
1. What is your pet peeve?
People who say they could care less.
2. How do you react when it happens?
I mourn.
3. How often does it happen?
At least once a week.
4. Assuming positive intent, why do you think it happens?
5. Will assuming positive intent help you cope the next time it happens?
No because ignorance always makes me mournful.
1. What is your pet peeve?
People who say things like 2am in the morning.
2. How do you react when it happens?
Cringe inside
3. How often does it happen?
Too often but at least once a week
4. Assuming positive intent, why do you think it happens?
Poor education
5. Will assuming positive intent help you cope the next time it happens?
1. What is your pet peeve?
Cell phones in public
2. How do you react when it happens?
Get pissed off and annoyed
3. How often does it happen?
Every time I am in a crowded space
4. Assuming positive intent, why do you think it happens?
Because people need to be connected
5. Will assuming positive intent help you cope the next time it happens?
1. What is your pet peeve?
Narcissistic people
2. How do you react when it happens?
Gemini side comes out & I be like f*ck it
3. How often does it happen?
Often cause people suck
4. Assuming positive intent, why do you think it happens?
People are trying to figure themselves out
5. Will assuming positive intent help you cope the next time it happens?
It should as i work in mental heath, but idk. I’m working on myself too lol
1. What is your pet peeve?
I can’t handle mouth noises. Sipping, slurping, chewing, crunching?! It all throws me into a tailspin. I get so agitated and I can’t help it.
2. How do you react when it happens?
I get really angry. I have not been able to be in the same room where someone is eating chips or slurping their drink for years now.
3. How often does it happen?
This happens anytime I’m in the room with someone eating or drinking.
4. Assuming positive intent, why do you think it happens?
I don’t have an official diagnosis but I believe I suffer from Misophonia. Misophonia is when mouth noises bother you so bad that you can become agitated or see red from being so angry.
5. Will assuming positive intent help you cope the next time it happens?
Probably not
1. What is your pet peeve?
Willful ignorance
2. How do you react when it happens?
Depending on situation I might leave or offer a comment
3. How often does it happen?
Not too often as I avoid being in a public setting too often
4. Assuming positive intent, why do you think it happens?
Lack of cognitive or logical thinking
5. Will assuming positive intent help you cope the next time it happens?
Again, depending on the situation I might interject or leave the area
1. What is your pet peeve?
2. How do you react when it happens?
3. How often does it happen?
4. Assuming positive intent, why do you think it happens?
5. Will assuming positive intent help you cope the next time it happens?
1. What is your pet peeve?
Loud chewing
2. How do you react when it happens?
Grit my teeth
3. How often does it happen?
Too often
4. Assuming positive intent, why do you think it happens?
People are stupid
5. Will assuming positive intent help you cope the next time it happens?
Probably not lol
1. What is your pet peeve?
When people say "the early 2000s," but mean the late 2000s. Like when they say "remember this show from the early 2000s?" and they're talking about a show that came out in like 2008
2. How do you react when it happens?
I internally cringe but say nothing, I don't want to be an "um ackshually" type
3. How often does it happen?
So, so often
4. Assuming positive intent, why do you think it happens?
They are just dumb, they don't mean to get on my nerves <3
5. Will assuming positive intent help you cope the next time it happens?
Yeah lol
1. What is your pet peeve?
When upper management earns more money than me, but consults me before making any changes to company policy. I bring the ideas, they bring home the money.
2. How do you react when it happens?
Dream about the day I’m promoted and I’ll be able to tell off a few of these corporate exec’s without repercussions.
3. How often does it happen?
Almost daily. Never longer than a week.
4. Assuming positive intent, why do you think it happens?
I know I have great ideas, and the company has implemented quite a few standards that I have suggested.
5. Will assuming positive intent help you cope the next time it happens?
It’s not about the intent. It’s about the lack of compensation!
1. What is your pet peeve?
Adults who seem to have never learned proper grammar.
2. How do you react when it happens?
CRINGE and sometimes, in the snarkiest way possible, appoint myself as the grammar police.
3. How often does it happen?
At least once a day.
4. Assuming positive intent, why do you think it happens?
People are either in too much of a rush to speak/type what they are thinking, or just a complete and total lazy biznatch
5. Will assuming positive intent help you cope the next time it happens?
1. What is your pet peeve?
I have a number of them. But mostly pretentious people!
2. How do you react when it happens?
Ignore and turn away.
3. How often does it happen?
More often than you'd think! Lots of them around us.
4. Assuming positive intent, why do you think it happens?
Because they have low self-esteem.
5. Will assuming positive intent help you cope the next time it happens?
1. What is your pet peeve?
Mean people
2. How do you react when it happens?
3. How often does it happen?
4. Assuming positive intent, why do you think it happens?
There is no reason
5. Will assuming positive intent help you cope the next time it happens?
1. What is your pet peeve?
people who think they’re right (they’re fucking wrong)
2. How do you react when it happens?
my face gets beat red and i slam down whatever’s in my hand at the moment
3. How often does it happen?
often enough to piss me off
4. Assuming positive intent, why do you think it happens?
because people think they’re right all the time
5. Will assuming positive intent help you cope the next time it happens?
probably not really
1. What is your pet peeve?
People chewing with their mouth open
2. How do you react when it happens?
Rolls eyes or blow my breath in disgust
3. How often does it happen?
Too much
4. Assuming positive intent, why do you think it happens?
Ignorant to the fact that they don’t have to do it
5. Will assuming positive intent help you cope the next time it happens?
No it only helps if they know it
1. What is your pet peeve?
People who text you, you immediately respond, they immediately respond, you immediately respond and then they disappear for ten years
2. How do you react when it happens?
Get mad as shit and then ignore them when they finally emerge from whatever cave they went exploring
3. How often does it happen?
Every time my best friend texts me
4. Assuming positive intent, why do you think it happens?
"I got busy ☺️"
5. Will assuming positive intent help you cope the next time it happens?
No, probably not
1. What is your pet peeve?
people who are hypocritical
2. How do you react when it happens?
tell them, they’re a hypocrite
3. How often does it happen?
not much
4. Assuming positive intent, why do you think it happens?
people are people and some just don’t know how to be there own person
5. Will assuming positive intent help you cope the next time it happens?
1. What is your pet peeve?
People who play music or videos out loud (not including if you are showing someone something)
2. How do you react when it happens?
Take a deep breath and side eye them
3. How often does it happen?
Once or twice a week
4. Assuming positive intent, why do you think it happens?
They low key want attention and think they’re “the main character” and think they’re so interesting
5. Will assuming positive intent help you cope the next time it happens?
No. It makes my skin crawl
1. What is your pet peeve?
Promise breakers. Like you could have kept your mouth shut.
2. How do you react when it happens?
I usually let it fester.
3. How often does it happen?
All the time
4. Assuming positive intent, why do you think it happens?
Cause I keep giving people the benefit of the doubt
5. Will assuming positive intent help you cope the next time it happens?
I hope so
1. What is your pet peeve?
People who stand cluelessly in the way while out in public
2. How do you react when it happens?
I usually growl
3. How often does it happen?
I live in a tourist city. It happens everyday.
4. Assuming positive intent, why do you think it happens?
People are unfamiliar with the setting and don’t have awareness
5. Will assuming positive intent help you cope the next time it happens?
I’ll do my best
1. What is your pet peeve?
Non-answer answers.
2. How do you react when it happens?
Not favorably
3. How often does it happen?
Often enough
4. Assuming positive intent, why do you think it happens?
Too afraid to answer?
5. Will assuming positive intent help you cope the next time it happens?
Ugh. Maybe.
1. What is your pet peeve?
2. How do you react when it happens?
ignore him
3. How often does it happen?
every weekend
4. Assuming positive intent, why do you think it happens?
he wants money (greedy)
5. Will assuming positive intent help you cope the next time it happens?
100% thank u
1. What is your pet peeve?
2. How do you react when it happens?
Rolling eyes
3. How often does it happen?
Every day
4. Assuming positive intent, why do you think it happens?
Some people just don't care.
5. Will assuming positive intent help you cope the next time it happens?
1. What is your pet peeve?
Politicians who promise the world for votes then forget it once they get in office, which turns into a lifetime appointment.
2. How do you react when it happens?
I tell everybody repeatedly what they said before getting in, how they didn't deliver, and to vote them out.
3. How often does it happen?
Every election, all my life! Every 2-4 years.
4. Assuming positive intent, why do you think it happens?
People think they can do the best job by remaining in place longer and getting key Committee assignments.
5. Will assuming positive intent help you cope the next time it happens?
Probably not😆
1. What is your pet peeve?
people who fucking litter
2. How do you react when it happens?
let all the fucks fly
3. How often does it happen?
Too fucking much
4. Assuming positive intent, why do you think it happens?
people suck
5. Will assuming positive intent help you cope the next time it happens?
1. What is your pet peeve?
Incorrect grammar
2. How do you react when it happens?
Try to tell them in a positive way the correct way
3. How often does it happen?
4. Assuming positive intent, why do you think it happens?
Some people just don’t know
5. Will assuming positive intent help you cope the next time it happens?
I think so
1. What is your pet peeve?
Someone tapping me to get my attention
2. How do you react when it happens?
Instantly annoyed and focused on the tap rather what’s being said
3. How often does it happen?
4. Assuming positive intent, why do you think it happens?
That’s the way some people talk. They have to keep tapping your arm. Also, I hate when kids do it!
5. Will assuming positive intent help you cope the next time it happens?
1. What is your pet peeve?
People who have pet peeves.
2. How do you react when it happens?
Mostly ignorance on my part.
3. How often does it happen?
Oh, quite often. Especially around people who have pet peeves
4. Assuming positive intent, why do you think it happens?
People have pet peeves when ignorance is much more deserved.
5. Will assuming positive intent help you cope the next time it happens?
Probably not, because I will just ignore it.
1. What is your pet peeve?
Toxic Positivity
2. How do you react when it happens?
Stonefaced & Monotone
3. How often does it happen?
Anytime I leave the house and enter a retail business.
4. Assuming positive intent, why do you think it happens?
I assume it’s overcompensation for social acceptance and possibly to absolve themselves of when they were negative toward someone… 🤔
5. Will assuming positive intent help you cope the next time it happens?
Stonefaced and monotone… That usually works to shut it down without actively hurting anyone’s feelings.
1. What is your pet peeve?
Weak handshakes
2. How do you react when it happens?
Pull my hand back and wipe it on my pants.
3. How often does it happen?
Often enough.
4. Assuming positive intent, why do you think it happens?
Lack of confidence
5. Will assuming positive intent help you cope the next time it happens?
1. What is your pet peeve?
no common sense
2. How do you react when it happens?
eye roll
3. How often does it happen?
4. Assuming positive intent, why do you think it happens?
they don't knowcwhat they don't know
5. Will assuming positive intent help you cope the next time it happens?
1. What is your pet peeve?
When a person doesn’t move to the right going up/down stairs or hallways, ugh. Like they’ve only taught us that since like Kindergarten (USA)
2. How do you react when it happens?
Come to a holt as I suck my teeth to avoid the awkward left-to-right dance
3. How often does it happen?
Couple of times per day, when out in the public
4. Assuming positive intent, why do you think it happens?
Some people are rude and don’t care. Others think they’re more important than everyone else. Some people don’t have patients to allow others to pass before they proceed if space doesn’t allow
5. Will assuming positive intent help you cope the next time it happens?
1. What is your pet peeve?
2. How do you react when it happens?
I suppress rage
3. How often does it happen?
4. Assuming positive intent, why do you think it happens?
It’s culturally acceptable
5. Will assuming positive intent help you cope the next time it happens?
It does help but it can only go so far
1. What is your pet peeve?
People who don’t use turning signals while driving
2. How do you react when it happens?
I scream out loud
3. How often does it happen?
At least once a day
4. Assuming positive intent, why do you think it happens?
Because they’re dumb
5. Will assuming positive intent help you cope the next time it happens?
1. What is your pet peeve?
There are so many
2. How do you react when it happens?
General frustration or shutting down
3. How often does it happen?
Too often
4. Assuming positive intent, why do you think it happens?
I'm very impatient
5. Will assuming positive intent help you cope the next time it happens?
1. What is your pet peeve?
Open mouth chewing
2. How do you react when it happens?
I clench my fists and want to say something, but I don’t
3. How often does it happen?
When in restaurants or out in public
4. Assuming positive intent, why do you think it happens?
They’re unaware they are doing it or bothering anyone
5. Will assuming positive intent help you cope the next time it happens?
I believe so
1. What is your pet peeve?
2. How do you react when it happens?
3. How often does it happen?
Several times a week
4. Assuming positive intent, why do you think it happens?
I can’t assume positive intent, it’s all straight assholery
5. Will assuming positive intent help you cope the next time it happens?
Nope. What is the point of this website?
1. What is your pet peeve?
When people are oblivious to others
2. How do you react when it happens?
Stand there and stare at them
3. How often does it happen?
Too often
4. Assuming positive intent, why do you think it happens?
Because humans are dumb. Not all. But most.
5. Will assuming positive intent help you cope the next time it happens?
Probably not.
1. What is your pet peeve?
People who use … in texts
2. How do you react when it happens?
3. How often does it happen?
Once every few months
4. Assuming positive intent, why do you think it happens?
They’re annoying
5. Will assuming positive intent help you cope the next time it happens?
1. What is your pet peeve?
2. How do you react when it happens?
My blood pressure goes up and I need a breath.
3. How often does it happen?
God, like, aosy every day.
4. Assuming positive intent, why do you think it happens?
The man (or woman) thinks I don't know what I know and they want to teach me something.
5. Will assuming positive intent help you cope the next time it happens?
That may happen.
1. What is your pet peeve?
Husband is in the kitchen and asked me what is there to eat?
2. How do you react when it happens?
Take a deep breath, roll my eyes and say leftovers.
3. How often does it happen?
Almost every day
4. Assuming positive intent, why do you think it happens?
He’s lazy to warm up food or he wants me to cook for him.
5. Will assuming positive intent help you cope the next time it happens?
1. What is your pet peeve?
Loud chewers (especially in small or quiet spaces and especially crunchy snacks)
2. How do you react when it happens?
I become too overwhelmed to even think a thought that isn't "MAKE THIS STOP."
3. How often does it happen?
Probably once a month— when I was in school it was usually once per class. Kids at my university were always eating in class.
4. Assuming positive intent, why do you think it happens?
Because they're.....hungry???
5. Will assuming positive intent help you cope the next time it happens?
To a degree, sure. I don't think they mean to be so insanely annoying, but also like... common courtesy says don't eat popcorn during a stats exam.
1. What is your pet peeve?
People who mispronounce height
2. How do you react when it happens?
It depends on the situation but I want to correct them
3. How often does it happen?
4. Assuming positive intent, why do you think it happens?
5. Will assuming positive intent help you cope the next time it happens?
Not so much
1. What is your pet peeve?
Rude people
2. How do you react when it happens?
Get annoyed
3. How often does it happen?
Whenever I go out in public
4. Assuming positive intent, why do you think it happens?
I expect too much
5. Will assuming positive intent help you cope the next time it happens?
If I work at it
1. What is your pet peeve?
People that run stop signs and red lights
2. How do you react when it happens?
I will honk and yell at them if I can
3. How often does it happen?
All. The. Time.
4. Assuming positive intent, why do you think it happens?
People are in too much of a hurry
5. Will assuming positive intent help you cope the next time it happens?
1. What is your pet peeve?
Drivers that run red lights
2. How do you react when it happens?
Stand on the horn or pull out in front of them
3. How often does it happen?
Couple times a year
4. Assuming positive intent, why do you think it happens?
Everybody’s in a hurry
5. Will assuming positive intent help you cope the next time it happens?
Yes, I will try to implement this
1. What is your pet peeve?
Internet trolls
2. How do you react when it happens?
Grind my teeth, heart rate increases, have to stop myself from arguing with them
3. How often does it happen?
Every day
4. Assuming positive intent, why do you think it happens?
Because people don’t think before they type
5. Will assuming positive intent help you cope the next time it happens?
1. What is your pet peeve?
People who chew loudly
2. How do you react when it happens?
Grind my teeth and tense up
3. How often does it happen?
Every day
4. Assuming positive intent, why do you think it happens?
People don't realize they're doing it. Just a habit
5. Will assuming positive intent help you cope the next time it happens?
I sure hope so!
1. What is your pet peeve?
2. How do you react when it happens?
3. How often does it happen?
4. Assuming positive intent, why do you think it happens?
Stupid people
5. Will assuming positive intent help you cope the next time it happens?
I try
1. What is your pet peeve?
People chewing with their mouth open.
2. How do you react when it happens?
3. How often does it happen?
4. Assuming positive intent, why do you think it happens?
Poor manners. Poor parenting.
5. Will assuming positive intent help you cope the next time it happens?
Try to ignore
1. What is your pet peeve?
2. How do you react when it happens?
Swear words and sign language 🖕🏽
3. How often does it happen?
Multitude of times a day
4. Assuming positive intent, why do you think it happens?
People are sheep
5. Will assuming positive intent help you cope the next time it happens?
1. What is your pet peeve?
They’re, their & there
2. How do you react when it happens?
Internal dialogue about how do they not know the difference
3. How often does it happen?
All the time
4. Assuming positive intent, why do you think it happens?
They can’t be bothered to be correct; laziness
5. Will assuming positive intent help you cope the next time it happens?
Probably not
1. What is your pet peeve?
Kitchen grease smells
2. How do you react when it happens?
Cringe and want to escape
3. How often does it happen?
3 times a week
4. Assuming positive intent, why do you think it happens?
By product of cooking
5. Will assuming positive intent help you cope the next time it happens?
1. What is your pet peeve?
People chomping on ice
2. How do you react when it happens?
Address the situation
3. How often does it happen?
4. Assuming positive intent, why do you think it happens?
People are not aware they are doing it
5. Will assuming positive intent help you cope the next time it happens?
1. What is your pet peeve?
When people leave your text on read for days before they respond
2. How do you react when it happens?
I try to ignore them when they finally answer
3. How often does it happen?
A couple times a month
4. Assuming positive intent, why do you think it happens?
They don’t care to respond
5. Will assuming positive intent help you cope the next time it happens?
1. What is your pet peeve?
Rude people
2. How do you react when it happens?
Return the rudeness
3. How often does it happen?
Often. I work in retail
4. Assuming positive intent, why do you think it happens?
People are impatient
5. Will assuming positive intent help you cope the next time it happens?
1. What is your pet peeve?
2. How do you react when it happens?
3. How often does it happen?
Every day
4. Assuming positive intent, why do you think it happens?
I'm angry
5. Will assuming positive intent help you cope the next time it happens?
1. What is your pet peeve?
People not using their turn signal.
2. How do you react when it happens?
3. How often does it happen?
4. Assuming positive intent, why do you think it happens?
People are inconsiderate and stupid
5. Will assuming positive intent help you cope the next time it happens?
Not sure
1. What is your pet peeve?
2. How do you react when it happens?
3. How often does it happen?
4. Assuming positive intent, why do you think it happens?
5. Will assuming positive intent help you cope the next time it happens?
No More Peeves