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Below are some submission from Club Members:

1. What is your pet peeve?
Driving under the speed limit in the left lane
2. How do you react when it happens?
3. How often does it happen?
Bout every day
4. Assuming positive intent, why do you think it happens?
Foreign people
5. Will assuming positive intent help you cope the next time it happens?
1. What is your pet peeve?
People not covering their mouth when they cough
2. How do you react when it happens?
I hold my breath and try to get away or I blow my own air around me to move it.
3. How often does it happen?
Only when Iā€™m out in public which is not too often
4. Assuming positive intent, why do you think it happens?
Because they are inconsiderate idiots
5. Will assuming positive intent help you cope the next time it happens?
1. What is your pet peeve?
People who donā€™t take accountability for their actions!
2. How do you react when it happens?
I react with frustration and anger. Why canā€™t you learn to put your ego aside in order to consider the feelings of the person you hurt?
3. How often does it happen?
Very often and in every type of relationship- friends, family, romantic partners, coworkers/bosses, etc.
4. Assuming positive intent, why do you think it happens?
I think these people havenā€™t been taught to take responsibility for their actions early in their lives, nor have they been made aware that the ought to own up to their mistakes. As a result, they slip into the habit of never apologizing and sitting on their shame.
5. Will assuming positive intent help you cope the next time it happens?
Absolutely! I think in the end, we cannot control another partyā€™s efforts to rectify a wrong theyā€™ve committed. If they assume accountability, awesome! If not, then I pray they learn to do so for the sake of their future relationships.
1. What is your pet peeve?
2. How do you react when it happens?
3. How often does it happen?
4. Assuming positive intent, why do you think it happens?
I live with an unhappy person.
5. Will assuming positive intent help you cope the next time it happens?
I keep trying! After 7 years it hasnā€™t improved. Heā€™s been nicknamed Eeyore by his family.
1. What is your pet peeve?
People with no manners
2. How do you react when it happens?
I usually roll my eyes.
3. How often does it happen?
Every single time someone is rude
4. Assuming positive intent, why do you think it happens?
They donā€™t think about what their behavior does to other people
5. Will assuming positive intent help you cope the next time it happens?
1. What is your pet peeve?
bad drivers with tinted windows
2. How do you react when it happens?
Curse them and then stew in frustration.
3. How often does it happen?
Like everyday!
4. Assuming positive intent, why do you think it happens?
I canā€™t. I assume itā€™s why their windows are tinted in the first place - no accountability.
5. Will assuming positive intent help you cope the next time it happens?
Probably not. Some very dangerous folks out there.
1. What is your pet peeve?
When people who are supposedly showing support by having a "peaceful protest" when it turns into a violent riot while they are blocking a main roadway or freeway. That's so rude. You can protest all you want, but when people are trying to get to work or daycare or an appointment or going home from work or going to an event, etc... It's not only rude, but stupid and can be very dangerous by the protester/rioters causing havoc and getting violent damaging cars and getting into fights with people. There is a time and a place for protests and blocking the streets and freeways are not one of them.
2. How do you react when it happens?
I get very upset, because some people have obligations to keep, just trying to go to work and not be late or an appointment or an event that they can not miss. I get very upset.
3. How often does it happen?
Actually, quite often. I live in Minneapolis with the whole George Floyd thing back in May of 2020 and you couldn't drive anyways w/o a "peaceful protest" HA! I'll say it like it was.... When "violent riots" where multiple occurrences were happening multiple times a day on just about every street and freeway. The protesters/rioters would become violent if you asked them to move so we could get by. Instead, they banged on our cars with their fists, their feet, hammers or another form of tool and destroy multiple cars and some people were even drug out of their cars as the " peaceful protesters" literally burned their cars in right in front of the innocent car owners who were just trying to get back to their families or going to work or an appointment or an event. The violent riots burned down multiple buildings in multiple areas of Minneapolis and St Paul, MN. It was a very dark time. They also destroyed, graffiti'd, looted multiple stores and pharmacies, used arson to burn down so many businesses and there were even a few people who were murdered. This went on for over 4 days and nights before our Governor finally stepped in a did something. It was so scary and absolutely horrifying watching and living in this unnecessary acts of our evil and incredible violence and damage to 2 cities.
4. Assuming positive intent, why do you think it happens?
Well, in this case and my pet peeve, there was no positive intent. It was a bunch of violent people who thought that they were above the law and what they were doing was the right way to go about it. They were absolutely 100% wrong. Minneapolis and St Paul, MN are still trying to rebuild, which will take years and years and many of the places that were burned down or destroyed too many never reopened and will not open again. It's sad, because they destroyed their 2 cities, their own neighborhoods and made it more difficult for the older population to use the businesses and resources that were close to where they lived and could walk to. Many don't have cars, so now they have to use the bus or an Uber which costs money vs walking for free. It's sad and was just unnecessary.
5. Will assuming positive intent help you cope the next time it happens?
I don't know? I would like to think I woulld, but that who experience was so negative for so many people and myself included. Since then Minneapolis and St Paul, MN has seen a major strike in violent crimes and murders, so these 2 cities haven't done much to create a positive situation, it's only gotten worse. I'm not sure if Minneapolis or St Paul, MN will ever fully recover from that sad, disturbing time in history, just a mere 3+ years ago. I know that for myself, I will be moving out of Minneapolis when my lease is up in 10 months. It just hasn't been the same and it's only gotten worse. Thanks for letting me vent my peet peeve.
1. What is your pet peeve?
People who donā€™t use turn signals
2. How do you react when it happens?
3. How often does it happen?
4. Assuming positive intent, why do you think it happens?
5. Will assuming positive intent help you cope the next time it happens?
1. What is your pet peeve?
Chewing / noise
2. How do you react when it happens?
Anxiety, distracted, short-tempered
3. How often does it happen?
All the time.
4. Assuming positive intent, why do you think it happens?
Why do I think people chew & make noise? Or why do I react that way?
5. Will assuming positive intent help you cope the next time it happens?
Iā€™m confused about this.
1. What is your pet peeve?
... But I don't only have one! Biggest one is probably when people don't use blinkers while driving, especially if they're not sure where they're going
2. How do you react when it happens?
I usually make a snarky comment
3. How often does it happen?
Nearly every time I drive
4. Assuming positive intent, why do you think it happens?
People are distracted
5. Will assuming positive intent help you cope the next time it happens?
It usually does...
1. What is your pet peeve?
When customers stack their plates to ā€œhelpā€ me.
2. How do you react when it happens?
Iā€™ll usually unstack them at the table.
3. How often does it happen?
Too often.
4. Assuming positive intent, why do you think it happens?
Somewhere along to way patrons have gotten the idea that piling up their plates is helpful to the waitress.
5. Will assuming positive intent help you cope the next time it happens?
Nope. What would help is patrons understanding how to receive service. Do you go into the doctorā€™s office and help the dr. assess her patients? While youre at the restaurant is not the time to play waitress. Dont ā€œhelpā€.
1. What is your pet peeve?
People who check out more than once in a single visit.
2. How do you react when it happens?
Cringe. And then help them check out
3. How often does it happen?
Every week
4. Assuming positive intent, why do you think it happens?
People get distracted.
5. Will assuming positive intent help you cope the next time it happens?
1. What is your pet peeve?
Animal abuse
2. How do you react when it happens?
3. How often does it happen?
4. Assuming positive intent, why do you think it happens?
It infuriates me
5. Will assuming positive intent help you cope the next time it happens?
Absolutely yes
1. What is your pet peeve?
When someone finishes my sentence when I only paused for like half a second
2. How do you react when it happens?
I donā€™t say anything but on the inside Iā€™m like ā€œGRRRā€
3. How often does it happen?
I feel like at least once a week
4. Assuming positive intent, why do you think it happens?
Maybe theyā€™re trying to help me remember the last part of what I want to say because they think Iā€™ve forgotten the word(s) because that happens to them
5. Will assuming positive intent help you cope the next time it happens?
Yeah probably
1. What is your pet peeve?
Open mouth chewers
2. How do you react when it happens?
3. How often does it happen?
4. Assuming positive intent, why do you think it happens?
They lack education
5. Will assuming positive intent help you cope the next time it happens?
I don't know
1. What is your pet peeve?
People releasing the car door handle to let it smack full force back to its resting position.
2. How do you react when it happens?
With attitude as if they donā€™t respect me or my car.
3. How often does it happen?
Half the time I have passengers. At least once every other month or so.
4. Assuming positive intent, why do you think it happens?
Theyā€™re excited to be at their destination.
5. Will assuming positive intent help you cope the next time it happens?
No. But not snapping and just explaining that I donā€™t care for it and not making a joke of it should get the point across.
1. What is your pet peeve?
People who say, "I could care less."
2. How do you react when it happens?
I mourn.
3. How often does it happen?
Every week.
4. Assuming positive intent, why do you think it happens?
People aren't conscious
5. Will assuming positive intent help you cope the next time it happens?
1. What is your pet peeve?
Unexpected touching
2. How do you react when it happens?
3. How often does it happen?
Once a week
4. Assuming positive intent, why do you think it happens?
People trying to be affectionate
5. Will assuming positive intent help you cope the next time it happens?
1. What is your pet peeve?
My pet peeve is: sitting on a wet toilet seat
2. How do you react when it happens?
I yell fuck
3. How often does it happen?
Almost every day
4. Assuming positive intent, why do you think it happens?
It happens because their dick is crooked.
5. Will assuming positive intent help you cope the next time it happens?
Nah! Canā€™t cope with rudeness
1. What is your pet peeve?
people making noises when eating
2. How do you react when it happens?
i give them the death stare
3. How often does it happen?
almost every night
4. Assuming positive intent, why do you think it happens?
nobody really knows itā€™s a pet peeve of mine, itā€™s not their fault
5. Will assuming positive intent help you cope the next time it happens?
probably not
1. What is your pet peeve?
Baby talk (exception being pets)
2. How do you react when it happens?
I want to snap there neck
3. How often does it happen?
4. Assuming positive intent, why do you think it happens?
There acoustic
5. Will assuming positive intent help you cope the next time it happens?
Walk away and never speak again
1. What is your pet peeve?
Hate when co workers ask about my kids
2. How do you react when it happens?
Hate when coworkers ask me about my family
3. How often does it happen?
4. Assuming positive intent, why do you think it happens?
They nosey
5. Will assuming positive intent help you cope the next time it happens?
1. What is your pet peeve?
Adult picky eaters
2. How do you react when it happens?
I usually roll my eyes at them so hard they can hear it.
3. How often does it happen?
Not often
4. Assuming positive intent, why do you think it happens?
There is no positive to this behavior
5. Will assuming positive intent help you cope the next time it happens?
Walk away
1. What is your pet peeve?
Babies dressed as vegetables
2. How do you react when it happens?
3. How often does it happen?
Rarely now, more often in the 1990s
4. Assuming positive intent, why do you think it happens?
It was a weird thing girls had photos of in their dorm rooms. Just dumb.
5. Will assuming positive intent help you cope the next time it happens?
Nope. It will always be annoying.
1. What is your pet peeve?
Stolen phone chargers.
2. How do you react when it happens?
Pisses me off. Why do they think itā€™s okay to take whatā€™s not theirs.
3. How often does it happen?
4. Assuming positive intent, why do you think it happens?
I donā€™t know. Nothing positive about it.
5. Will assuming positive intent help you cope the next time it happens?
1. What is your pet peeve?
People at Sleep No More getting on top of the performers and not giving others room to watch the scenes unfold.
2. How do you react when it happens?
Irritated by their rudeness.
3. How often does it happen?
Assuming every show.
4. Assuming positive intent, why do you think it happens?
Poor vision.
5. Will assuming positive intent help you cope the next time it happens?
I still think itā€™s rude. There are others in the room who they need to be mindful of.
1. What is your pet peeve?
Insincere people
2. How do you react when it happens?
Try to ignore
3. How often does it happen?
4. Assuming positive intent, why do you think it happens?
They donā€™t know how to be sincere (?)
5. Will assuming positive intent help you cope the next time it happens?
1. What is your pet peeve?
People that donā€™t keep their word. Like if I vouch for you and you do foul stuff Iā€™ll never deal with you also. Cause why would you act like that?
2. How do you react when it happens?
I blow up and then youā€™re dead to me like GOOD BYE!
3. How often does it happen?
Not often but often enough
4. Assuming positive intent, why do you think it happens?
Because I expect people to care about being a good human as much as I do.
5. Will assuming positive intent help you cope the next time it happens?
I donā€™t know. My word is my bond and thatā€™s foul to me a bond breaker.
1. What is your pet peeve?
Having to repeat myself/People not being able to understand certain things
2. How do you react when it happens?
I just get annoyed and upset.
3. How often does it happen?
Not too often
4. Assuming positive intent, why do you think it happens?
Maybe to understand me better??
5. Will assuming positive intent help you cope the next time it happens?
1. What is your pet peeve?
Shoes on in the house
2. How do you react when it happens?
Internally get annoyed bc Iā€™ve already asked them to not do it
3. How often does it happen?
Only a few times a year when they visit
4. Assuming positive intent, why do you think it happens?
They wear shoes in their house and they forget
5. Will assuming positive intent help you cope the next time it happens?
1. What is your pet peeve?
when a project is kicked off without me (due ASAP) but I am "owning" the project. Catching up from the start
2. How do you react when it happens?
confusion/getting up-to-speed
3. How often does it happen?
4. Assuming positive intent, why do you think it happens?
no one else wants to manage
5. Will assuming positive intent help you cope the next time it happens?
1. What is your pet peeve?
lack of follow-thru
2. How do you react when it happens?
my batteries deplete
3. How often does it happen?
4. Assuming positive intent, why do you think it happens?
Jedi-mind/non-verbal project handoff?
5. Will assuming positive intent help you cope the next time it happens?
1. What is your pet peeve?
Lack of trash receptacles on set
2. How do you react when it happens?
Put trash in pocket
3. How often does it happen?
More often than not
4. Assuming positive intent, why do you think it happens?
Lack of awareness
5. Will assuming positive intent help you cope the next time it happens?
Iā€™m coping
1. What is your pet peeve?
People who are both ignorant and certain - a deadly combo
2. How do you react when it happens?
Sarcasm, anger and ridicule usually
3. How often does it happen?
4. Assuming positive intent, why do you think it happens?
It's an unfortunate part of the human condition
5. Will assuming positive intent help you cope the next time it happens?
Not really
1. What is your pet peeve?
I have an employee who is a bad apple, and constantly causing trouble in the org. And heā€™s a bully. But, I canā€™t let him go because the company is scared to lose his talent. Help?
2. How do you react when it happens?
I must bite my tongue and Iā€™m asked not to cause trouble.
3. How often does it happen?
Several times a week.
4. Assuming positive intent, why do you think it happens?
He is insecure and truly feels it somehow helps the organization.
5. Will assuming positive intent help you cope the next time it happens?
I love to assume positive intent, but at some point itā€™s negative intent.
1. What is your pet peeve?
Overcooked hamburgers
2. How do you react when it happens?
3. How often does it happen?
2-3 a year
4. Assuming positive intent, why do you think it happens?
Avoiding food illness
5. Will assuming positive intent help you cope the next time it happens?
Not really
1. What is your pet peeve?
Testies 2
2. How do you react when it happens?
Testies 2
3. How often does it happen?
Testies 2
4. Assuming positive intent, why do you think it happens?
Testies 2
5. Will assuming positive intent help you cope the next time it happens?
Testies 2
1. What is your pet peeve?
Testies 2
2. How do you react when it happens?
Testies 2
3. How often does it happen?
Testies 2
4. Assuming positive intent, why do you think it happens?
Testies 2
5. Will assuming positive intent help you cope the next time it happens?
Testies 2
1. What is your pet peeve?
Testies 2
2. How do you react when it happens?
Testies 2
3. How often does it happen?
Testies 2
4. Assuming positive intent, why do you think it happens?
Testies 2
5. Will assuming positive intent help you cope the next time it happens?
Testies 2
1. What is your pet peeve?
Testies 2
2. How do you react when it happens?
Testies 2
3. How often does it happen?
Testies 2
4. Assuming positive intent, why do you think it happens?
Testies 2
5. Will assuming positive intent help you cope the next time it happens?
Testies 2
1. What is your pet peeve?
2. How do you react when it happens?
3. How often does it happen?
4. Assuming positive intent, why do you think it happens?
5. Will assuming positive intent help you cope the next time it happens?
1. What is your pet peeve?
Thomas Test 12/18
2. How do you react when it happens?
Thomas Test 12/18
3. How often does it happen?
Thomas Test 12/18
4. Assuming positive intent, why do you think it happens?
Thomas Test 12/18
5. Will assuming positive intent help you cope the next time it happens?
Thomas Test 12/18
1. What is your pet peeve?
Test Thomas 12/18
2. How do you react when it happens?
Test Thomas 12/18
3. How often does it happen?
Test Thomas 12/18
4. Assuming positive intent, why do you think it happens?
Test Thomas 12/18
5. Will assuming positive intent help you cope the next time it happens?
Test Thomas 12/18
1. What is your pet peeve?
2. How do you react when it happens?
every time they reject an ad
3. How often does it happen?
oh, i fucked this one up. sooo hmmmm how do i go back and fix my last answer.
4. Assuming positive intent, why do you think it happens?
cause uptight peeps are reporting it
5. Will assuming positive intent help you cope the next time it happens?
fuck no.
1. What is your pet peeve?
lame excuses
2. How do you react when it happens?
pisses me off
3. How often does it happen?
4. Assuming positive intent, why do you think it happens?
5. Will assuming positive intent help you cope the next time it happens?
1. What is your pet peeve?
Test 13
2. How do you react when it happens?
Test 13
3. How often does it happen?
Test 13
4. Assuming positive intent, why do you think it happens?
Test 13
5. Will assuming positive intent help you cope the next time it happens?
Test 13
1. What is your pet peeve?
soup slurp
2. How do you react when it happens?
my skin crawls
3. How often does it happen?
not that often
4. Assuming positive intent, why do you think it happens?
there's no good reason for slurping
5. Will assuming positive intent help you cope the next time it happens?
1. What is your pet peeve?
Thomas q1
2. How do you react when it happens?
Thomas q2
3. How often does it happen?
Thomas q3
4. Assuming positive intent, why do you think it happens?
Thomas q4
5. Will assuming positive intent help you cope the next time it happens?
Thomas q5
1. What is your pet peeve?
Thomas Q1
2. How do you react when it happens?
Thomas Q2
3. How often does it happen?
Thomas Q3
4. Assuming positive intent, why do you think it happens?
Thomas Q4
5. Will assuming positive intent help you cope the next time it happens?
Thomas Q5
1. What is your pet peeve?
Thomas 12/12
2. How do you react when it happens?
Thomas 12/12
3. How often does it happen?
Thomas 12/12
4. Assuming positive intent, why do you think it happens?
Thomas 12/12
5. Will assuming positive intent help you cope the next time it happens?
Thomas 12/12
1. What is your pet peeve?
Thomas 12/12
2. How do you react when it happens?
3. How often does it happen?
4. Assuming positive intent, why do you think it happens?
5. Will assuming positive intent help you cope the next time it happens?
1. What is your pet peeve?
Thomas 12/12
2. How do you react when it happens?
3. How often does it happen?
4. Assuming positive intent, why do you think it happens?
5. Will assuming positive intent help you cope the next time it happens?
1. What is your pet peeve?
2. How do you react when it happens?
3. How often does it happen?
4. Assuming positive intent, why do you think it happens?
5. Will assuming positive intent help you cope the next time it happens?
1. What is your pet peeve?
slow drivers
2. How do you react when it happens?
3. How often does it happen?
4. Assuming positive intent, why do you think it happens?
5. Will assuming positive intent help you cope the next time it happens?
1. What is your pet peeve?
2. How do you react when it happens?
I contemplate a dramatic monologue about it.
3. How often does it happen?
Rarely, but when it does, oh boy.
4. Assuming positive intent, why do you think it happens?
Aliens. It's always the aliens.
5. Will assuming positive intent help you cope the next time it happens?
Still a bit spicy, but I'll survive.
1. What is your pet peeve?
slow drivers
2. How do you react when it happens?
I question humanity's choices.
3. How often does it happen?
Every. Single. Minute.
4. Assuming positive intent, why do you think it happens?
Aliens. It's always the aliens.
5. Will assuming positive intent help you cope the next time it happens?
Indifferent. Maybe I just need coffee?
1. What is your pet peeve?
Willful ignorance
2. How do you react when it happens?
I question humanity's choices.
3. How often does it happen?
Weekly ā€” it's like a bad TV show rerun.
4. Assuming positive intent, why do you think it happens?
5. Will assuming positive intent help you cope the next time it happens?
Indifferent. Maybe I just need coffee?
1. What is your pet peeve?
2. How do you react when it happens?
I audibly sigh.
3. How often does it happen?
Weekly ā€” it's like a bad TV show rerun.
4. Assuming positive intent, why do you think it happens?
Just a simple mistake. Happens to the best of us.
5. Will assuming positive intent help you cope the next time it happens?
Still a bit spicy, but I'll survive.
1. What is your pet peeve?
Slow walkers
2. How do you react when it happens?
I audibly sigh.
3. How often does it happen?
Every. Single. Minute.
4. Assuming positive intent, why do you think it happens?
There's a secret society of peeve creators. I'm on to them.
5. Will assuming positive intent help you cope the next time it happens?
Cool as a cucumber.
1. What is your pet peeve?
2. How do you react when it happens?
I audibly sigh.
3. How often does it happen?
Weekly ā€” it's like a bad TV show rerun.
4. Assuming positive intent, why do you think it happens?
Someone's having a rough day and it's not about me.
5. Will assuming positive intent help you cope the next time it happens?
Cool as a cucumber.
1. What is your pet peeve?
2. How do you react when it happens?
I Shrug it off... after a tiny internal scream.
3. How often does it happen?
Weekly ā€” it's like a bad TV show rerun.
4. Assuming positive intent, why do you think it happens?
Someone's having a rough day and it's not about me.
5. Will assuming positive intent help you cope the next time it happens?
Cool as a cucumber.
1. What is your pet peeve?
Beans spilled
2. How do you react when it happens?
I audibly sigh.
3. How often does it happen?
It's a surprise villain in the movie of my life.
4. Assuming positive intent, why do you think it happens?
5. Will assuming positive intent help you cope the next time it happens?
Still a bit spicy, but I'll survive.
1. What is your pet peeve?
2. How do you react when it happens?
3. How often does it happen?
Once a day, like an unwelcome alarm.
4. Assuming positive intent, why do you think it happens?
5. Will assuming positive intent help you cope the next time it happens?
Still a bit spicy, but I'll survive.
1. What is your pet peeve?
2. How do you react when it happens?
3. How often does it happen?
Once a day, like an unwelcome alarm.
4. Assuming positive intent, why do you think it happens?
5. Will assuming positive intent help you cope the next time it happens?
Still a bit spicy, but I'll survive.
1. What is your pet peeve?
slow drivers
2. How do you react when it happens?
I contemplate a dramatic monologue about it.
3. How often does it happen?
It's a surprise villain in the movie of my life.
4. Assuming positive intent, why do you think it happens?
Just a simple mistake. Happens to the best of us.
5. Will assuming positive intent help you cope the next time it happens?
Grateful for the pause, but still plotting revenge.
1. What is your pet peeve?
Test Thomas
2. How do you react when it happens?
I audibly sigh.
3. How often does it happen?
Weekly ā€” it's like a bad TV show rerun.
4. Assuming positive intent, why do you think it happens?
Someone's having a rough day and it's not about me.
5. Will assuming positive intent help you cope the next time it happens?
Cool as a cucumber.
1. What is your pet peeve?
Lorem ipsum dolor
2. How do you react when it happens?
I audibly sigh.
3. How often does it happen?
Every. Single. Minute.
4. Assuming positive intent, why do you think it happens?
Aliens. It's always the aliens.
5. Will assuming positive intent help you cope the next time it happens?
Indifferent. Maybe I just need coffee?
1. What is your pet peeve?
2. How do you react when it happens?
I audibly sigh
3. How often does it happen?
Weekly ā€” it's like a bad TV show rerun.
4. Assuming positive intent, why do you think it happens?
Someone's having a rough day and it's not about me.
5. Will assuming positive intent help you cope the next time it happens?
Still a bit spicy, but I'll survive.
1. What is your pet peeve?
People hogging the sidewalk
2. How do you react when it happens?
I question humanity's choices.
3. How often does it happen?
Every. Single. Minute.
4. Assuming positive intent, why do you think it happens?
There's a secret society of peeve creators. I'm on to them.
5. Will assuming positive intent help you cope the next time it happens?
Still a bit spicy, but I'll survive.
1. What is your pet peeve?
left lane hogs
2. How do you react when it happens?
I question humanity's choices.
3. How often does it happen?
It's a surprise villain in the movie of my life.
4. Assuming positive intent, why do you think it happens?
There's a secret society of peeve creators. I'm on to them.
5. Will assuming positive intent help you cope the next time it happens?
Still a bit spicy, but I'll survive.
1. What is your pet peeve?
Talking with food in their mouths
2. How do you react when it happens?
I Shrug it off... after a tiny internal scream.
3. How often does it happen?
It's a surprise villain in the movie of my life.
4. Assuming positive intent, why do you think it happens?
Someone's having a rough day and it's not about me.
5. Will assuming positive intent help you cope the next time it happens?
Grateful for the pause, but still plotting revenge.
1. What is your pet peeve?
People hogging the sidewalk
2. How do you react when it happens?
I question humanity's choices.
3. How often does it happen?
Every. Single. Minute.
4. Assuming positive intent, why do you think it happens?
There's a secret society of peeve creators. I'm on to them.
5. Will assuming positive intent help you cope the next time it happens?
Still a bit spicy, but I'll survive.
1. What is your pet peeve?
2. How do you react when it happens?
I audibly sigh.
3. How often does it happen?
Every. Single. Minute.
4. Assuming positive intent, why do you think it happens?
Aliens. It's always the aliens.
5. Will assuming positive intent help you cope the next time it happens?
Cool as a cucumber.
1. What is your pet peeve?
2. How do you react when it happens?
I audibly sigh.
3. How often does it happen?
Every. Single. Minute.
4. Assuming positive intent, why do you think it happens?
Aliens. It's always the aliens.
5. Will assuming positive intent help you cope the next time it happens?
Cool as a cucumber.
1. What is your pet peeve?
2. How do you react when it happens?
I audibly sigh.
3. How often does it happen?
Every. Single. Minute.
4. Assuming positive intent, why do you think it happens?
Aliens. It's always the aliens.
5. Will assuming positive intent help you cope the next time it happens?
Cool as a cucumber.
1. What is your pet peeve?
2. How do you react when it happens?
I audibly sigh.
3. How often does it happen?
Every. Single. Minute.
4. Assuming positive intent, why do you think it happens?
Aliens. It's always the aliens.
5. Will assuming positive intent help you cope the next time it happens?
Cool as a cucumber.
1. What is your pet peeve?
2. How do you react when it happens?
I audibly sigh.
3. How often does it happen?
Every. Single. Minute.
4. Assuming positive intent, why do you think it happens?
Aliens. It's always the aliens.
5. Will assuming positive intent help you cope the next time it happens?
Cool as a cucumber.
1. What is your pet peeve?
2. How do you react when it happens?
I audibly sigh.
3. How often does it happen?
Every. Single. Minute.
4. Assuming positive intent, why do you think it happens?
Aliens. It's always the aliens.
5. Will assuming positive intent help you cope the next time it happens?
1. What is your pet peeve?
2. How do you react when it happens?
I audibly sigh.
3. How often does it happen?
Every. Single. Minute.
4. Assuming positive intent, why do you think it happens?
Aliens. It's always the aliens.
5. Will assuming positive intent help you cope the next time it happens?
1. What is your pet peeve?
2. How do you react when it happens?
I audibly sigh.
3. How often does it happen?
Every. Single. Minute.
4. Assuming positive intent, why do you think it happens?
Aliens. It's always the aliens.
5. Will assuming positive intent help you cope the next time it happens?
Still a bit spicy, but I'll survive.
1. What is your pet peeve?
2. How do you react when it happens?
I audibly sigh.
3. How often does it happen?
Every. Single. Minute.
4. Assuming positive intent, why do you think it happens?
Aliens. It's always the aliens.
5. Will assuming positive intent help you cope the next time it happens?
1. What is your pet peeve?
2. How do you react when it happens?
I audibly sigh.
3. How often does it happen?
Every. Single. Minute.
4. Assuming positive intent, why do you think it happens?
Aliens. It's always the aliens.
5. Will assuming positive intent help you cope the next time it happens?
1. What is your pet peeve?
2. How do you react when it happens?
I audibly sigh.
3. How often does it happen?
Every. Single. Minute.
4. Assuming positive intent, why do you think it happens?
Aliens. It's always the aliens.
5. Will assuming positive intent help you cope the next time it happens?
1. What is your pet peeve?
2. How do you react when it happens?
I audibly sigh.
3. How often does it happen?
Every. Single. Minute.
4. Assuming positive intent, why do you think it happens?
Aliens. It's always the aliens.
5. Will assuming positive intent help you cope the next time it happens?
1. What is your pet peeve?
2. How do you react when it happens?
I audibly sigh.
3. How often does it happen?
Every. Single. Minute.
4. Assuming positive intent, why do you think it happens?
Aliens. It's always the aliens.
5. Will assuming positive intent help you cope the next time it happens?
1. What is your pet peeve?
2. How do you react when it happens?
I audibly sigh.
3. How often does it happen?
Every. Single. Minute.
4. Assuming positive intent, why do you think it happens?
Aliens. It's always the aliens.
5. Will assuming positive intent help you cope the next time it happens?
1. What is your pet peeve?
2. How do you react when it happens?
I audibly sigh.
3. How often does it happen?
Every. Single. Minute.
4. Assuming positive intent, why do you think it happens?
Just a simple mistake. Happens to the best of us.
5. Will assuming positive intent help you cope the next time it happens?
1. What is your pet peeve?
2. How do you react when it happens?
I audibly sigh.
3. How often does it happen?
Every. Single. Minute.
4. Assuming positive intent, why do you think it happens?
Aliens. It's always the aliens.
5. Will assuming positive intent help you cope the next time it happens?
1. What is your pet peeve?
2. How do you react when it happens?
Select one
3. How often does it happen?
Select one
4. Assuming positive intent, why do you think it happens?
Aliens. It's always the aliens.
5. Will assuming positive intent help you cope the next time it happens?
Cool as a cucumber.
No More Peeves